Jamie Kyle

Jamie Kyle


# Me on the internet...

  1. GitHub
  2. Twitter
  3. Mastodon
  4. LinkedIn
  5. My Website

# I have worked at...

  1. Signal - (September 2022 - NaN)
  2. IEP&Me - (February 2021 - September 2022)
  3. Rome - (May 2021 - December 2021)
  4. Discord - (January 2020 - May 2021)
  5. Eventbrite - (January 2019 - January 2020)
  6. Atlassian - (April 2017 - October 2018)
  7. Facebook - (June 2016 - March 2017)
  8. CloudFlare - (September 2014 - June 2016)
  9. Pole Star Space Applications - (December 2013 - September 2014)
  10. Tuatara Corp - (April 2013 - December 2013)
  11. CoachUp - (August 2012 - April 2013)

# Contributor to (current or former)...

  1. The Pastry Box Project
  2. Bolt - Super-powered JavaScript project management
  3. TC39 - ECMAScript (JavaScript) Standards Technical Committee
  4. Yarn - Fast, Reliable, and Secure Dependency Manager
  5. Flow - A Static Type Checker for JavaScript
  6. Babel - A JavaScript compiler.
  7. Lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
  8. Marionette - The Backbone Framework

# Things I've written...

  1. The Super Tiny Compiler
  2. Itsy Bitsy Data Structures
  3. Babel Handbook
  4. The Super Tiny Type Checker (coming... eventually)
  5. [Untitled book on algorithms] (coming... okay it's gonna be awhile)
  6. [Untitled book on design systems] (... writing is hard okay?)

# More things I've written...

  1. How to build an npm worm
  2. Designer-Oriented Styles
  3. Jest In Case
  4. React Markings
  5. Styled Theming
  6. React Loadable 4.0
  7. Babel Plugin "Ordering"
  8. Adopting Flow & TypeScript
  9. JavaScript’s new #private class fields
  10. Introducing React Loadable
  11. Dear JavaScript
  12. Lockfiles should be committed on all projects | Yarn
  13. Awards in Open Source
  14. Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript | Facebook Code
  15. Type Systems: Structural vs. Nominal typing explained
  16. Type Systems: Refinements explained
  17. Type Systems: Covariance, Contravariance, Bivariance, and Invariance explained
  18. Type Systems: Reachability and Exhaustiveness analysis explained
  19. Setting up Flow when you’ve already got Babel in place
  20. Flow: Mapping an object
  21. Open Sourcing CloudFlare’s UI Framework | CloudFlare
  22. npm dx
  23. Learning How to Learn
  24. The React Styling Problem
  25. Dear GitHub
  26. The Language of Programming
  27. Setting up Babel 6 | Babel blog
  28. 6.0.0 Released | Babel blog
  29. Function Bind Syntax | Babel blog
  30. Babel <3 React | Babel blog
  31. Thanks ECMAScript, You've Ruined Us All
  32. Not Born to Die | Babel blog
  33. 2to3 | Babel blog
  34. 6to5 + esnext | Babel blog

# Talks I've given...

  1. SydJS (Sydney, AU): "Open Source is my Dorky Family"
  2. ffconf (London, UK): "Rethinking the Web Platform"
  3. Front-end Forum - Atlassian (Sydney, AU): "(Unannounced project tech preview)"
  4. CODEC Go - University of Santo Tomas (Manila, PH): "Zero to Binary Search Tree"
  5. JSConf Asia (Singapore, SG): "Zero to Binary Search Tree"
  6. ReactNL (Amsterdam, NL): "How to build a compiler"
  7. JSConf China (Nanjing, CN): "How to build a compiler"
  8. React Rally (Salt Lake City, UT): "Zero to Binary Search Tree"
  9. Full Stack (Denver, CO): "How to build a compiler"
  10. Camp JS VII (Sydney, AU): "How to build a compiler (aussie edition)"
  11. EmberConf 2016 (Portland, OR): "How to build a compiler"
  12. Modern Web UI (Moutain View, CA): "Babel Sucks"
  13. Microsoft Web Platform (Redmond, WA): "A Hastily Made Presentation about Babel"
  14. NodeSF (San Francisco, CA): "Build Smarter with Babel"
  15. ForwardJS (San Francisco, CA): "JavaScript tooling in the Future"
  16. Edge Conf 2015 (London, UK): "Panel - Progressive Enhancement"
  17. jQuery SF (San Francisco, CA): "Compiling JavaScript"
  18. SFJS Meetup (San Francisco, CA): "Introduction to 6to5: Transpile ES6+ to Vanilla ES5"
  19. SFJS Meetup (San Francisco, CA): "Babel" (with Sebastian McKenzie)
  20. Dancing with Marionette (New York City, NY): "Marionette State of the Union"

# Upcoming talks...

  1. (I have taken a step back from public speaking so I can focus on promoting others)

# Things I'm working on...

  1. parcel
  2. paranormal
  3. ghost lang

# Open Source Projects...

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